How do you use Jacquard Idye Natural?
1 Stove-top Method: This involves dyeing using hot water in a pan on the stove. This often gives the most vivid colors.
2 Washing Machine Method: This involves dyeing in the washing machine. The Idye Natural can be used in both the front loader of the washing machine and the top loader.
Your fabric may contain both Synthetic and Natural materials. Then be sure to look for the color from the Idye Poly that is closest to the color of the Idye Natural and use both bags simultaneously. Note: In this case, you can only use the Stove-top method, because the washing machine can not wash hot enough/hold heat constant enough to properly color Synthetic fibers.
For further explanation of these Methods or other questions regarding dyeing, we recommend taking a look at our "How to" page. Here you can find the manual.